How the AIAS President Passed all 7 ARE's in 7 days

Learn how to pass all 7 AREs in our interview with Charlie Klecha, President of AIAS, who has taken and passed all 7 of the ARE exams in 7 days.

In this episode we’re following up on our earlier interview with Charlie Klecha, President of the AIAS, who a few weeks ago was telling us how he was planning on taking all 7 of the ARE exams in 7 days. Which he did. And he passed them. All of them. In a week.

Black Spectacles Founder Marc Teer will be asking Charlie how he went about studying for the exams, what resources he used, and what tips and tricks he has for passing the ARE (spoiler alert: it’s called studying very, very hard).

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Recommended Resources to pass the ARE